These last few weeks of school have been packed with plenty of fun. Here's a few highlights:
Last week Thursday was my roommate Mary Sue's birthday. Of course, Emma and I had to make it special. So before she woke up, we decorated the room with streamers and balloons and set out cupcakes and gifts. Mary Sue has class in the afternoons, and when she got back from them all nobo
dy was in the room. Emma and I and two of our friends came in and kidnapped her, not telling her where we were going. We took her down to Harper's Ferry to see the bookstore (she's a literature major :P). We visited the graveyard and Jefferson Rock and walked around the town. Then we went to see "How to Train Your Dragon" (it's a cute movie, and has great music... ;D). We ended the evening with Taco Bell and WalMart. Enjoyable birthday outing = Success. :)
Wednesday was the last day of classes!!! WOOT! It was definitely time to celebrate. My literature professor, Dr. Hake, put together Lake Bob Day for our enjoyment. We had boat races, a slip-n-slide, and a zipline over the water. All this in the tiny pond we affectionately call Lake Bob. It was such a good time of sunshine, friends and laughter. Besides, when else do I see my esteemed lit professor in warpaint, leggings and flippers, with a parrot on his head and carrying a surfboard? Trust me, it's not an everyday sight.
Friday was Gracy's (my friend, wingmate and future roommate) birthday. A few of us set up a birthday surprise in the dining hall. When she walked in, the entire cafeteria stood up and sang "Happy Birthday." Epic win. Later that evening, we were having a Gilmore Girls
marathon (in a guys' lounge, ironically). One of the girls stood up and said, "Let's do something. Let's go get dressed up and take my car and go somewhere." So Gracy and I and two others put on nice dresses, did our hair and just left. We put the top of the convertible down and drove (this was about 11 at night). Nothing was open, but with the radio turned up and wind in our hair and friends in the car, who needed to go anywhere? We finally ended up at McDonald's having ice cream at 12:45. Of course, fellow PHC students were there and laughed at us for going to McDonald's in heels, but we enjoyed ourselves. We stayed long enough to break curfew before heading back to campus, where Gracy and I watched a Christian comedian until I fell asleep. That was probably the craziest thing I've done since coming to college. The weird part is, when I told my mom she was proud of me. :P
Last night we had a party as our last event as a wing. Gracy and I made another tent, and we gourged on pizza and breadsticks and chocolate. As a thank-you gift, our we went together with our bro
ther wing and bought our RA's a giftcard to a local fancy resteraunt (conveniently, our RA's are dating). It was good to simply hang out with my wing. I have been blessed here; these girls are amazing, each one of them, and I am so glad to have shared a wing with them.
So now, Gracy and I are sitting in our tent in the hall, on a mattress we dragged out, eating chocolate and studying for finals. This is the last big push before the end. In one week I will be home and doing home things: attending my sisters' Prom, going to my church, taking a family vacation, my sisters' 18th birthday, my sisters' graduation, a road trip with friends, starting camp again... Life won't slow down, but do we really want it to? We were made to have a purpose. Rest and relaxation are important, so important that our Lord commanded us to rest, knowing our tendency to go and go and go. So I will rest this summer, but I will also have a purpose. I will rest from my scholastic endeavors, and hopefully come back refreshed in the Fall to tackle new classes, new adventures and a new freshmen class. :) I may not post again for a while, so I thank any of you who have taken the time to listen to my ramblings, and I especially thank you for your prayer. May you have a wonderful and relaxing summer soon.