From Tuesday to Sunday of break Mary Sue and I house-sat for one of our professors. It was SO nice to have couch, and an oven, and real cooking. :) Not only did our professor hand us the keys to her apartment, but she also gave us full use of her car. I find it amazing that she would trust two college freshmen so much. I think her trust is a reflection on the students here at PHC, and I am honored to be part of this body. It's funny how much I enjoyed doing things like dishes and cooking in a real home.
Wednesday evening our friends Becca and Bethany came and spent the night. We all made dinner together and watched a movie. Thursday morning we woke up and went to DC. What was supposed to be a 45 min drive turned into 2 hours. We were trying to get to a metro station, but we took a wrong turn, missed more than one of our exits and had awful directions. When we did get to a metro station, the parking lot was completely full. But, we refused to b
e thwarted. We pulled over, got out a map, and found our way all the way into DC and parked at Arlington. We wanted to see the cherry blossoms, but all we saw while walking the mall were green trees. Finally we figured out that those were the cherry blossoms earlier in the week. We went to the American History Museum and saw some cool displays like the First Ladies' dresses and a war exhibit. But it was really crowded, which was not very pleasent. Our next stop was the National Gallery of Art. That was not crowded, it was very enjoyable. It is incredible the talent that God has given to some people. I could spend days in that museum. But our hunger pulled us away from the art, and we went in search of food. We wandered away from the tourist section, into the business zone of DC. We saw many big, impressive-looking and important buildings, moseyed through a farmers market, and found lots of Starbucks. However, we did not find real food. We ended up eating at the food court in the Reagen building, and then we took the metro back to Arlington. We made our way to the tomb of the unknown soldier and saw the changing of the guard. Everything at Arlington was very sobering and impressive
. Our soldiers deserve that respect, yet again I was reminded about how rarely we give God that absolute, magnificent respect. True, our God is a god of gaity, laughter, and comaderie. But He is also the Lord of all, Creator of Heaven and Earth, and He has more majesty than we can begin to comprehend. This is the Lord we serve.
The quiet part of spring break was over, and people began to trickle back on campus. Emma returned on Thursday, so from Friday on she joined us at the apartment. Gracy came back on Friday, and on Saturday she and I had a picnic at Harper's Ferry. We hiked at least four miles in our flats and flip-flops, climbed on ruins of an old church, and purused cute shops. On Sunday we milked the last few moments of our break. Becca, Bethy, Emma and I walked around the historic section of downtown Leesburg. We had lunch in an outdoor cafe and stuck our nose in whichever shop struck our fancy. Then we got coffee and went back to the apartment, where Mary Sue had made us dinner. We finished out our lovely time with a girl movie and brownies. I may be really bad at the idea of college partying, but I seriously had a really amazing Spring Brea
k. :)

It was hard to jump back into school. Thankfully, the schoolwork I did has put me a little bit ahead on assignments and relieved some stress. These next two weeks will be difficult, as four papers, two speeches and five finals stand between me and home. I trust in God's strength to get me through, and prayer is gratefully accepted. There is plenty of fun in these next weeks as well, from the play to the the comedy show to the football game to Lake Bob day. :D I cannot wait to be home with my family, rest, and see my friends. I'm almost there!
Lake Bob day?
ReplyDeleteWe get to take canoes out on the lake and have games and fun. :)