Sunday, March 21, 2010

A disjointed post


I don't know if it's because it is late, or due to all my studying last week, but I can't pick out a specific theme or event from these past two weeks to focus on. So if this seems to be a disjointed, rambling tale, I apologize.

A week ago Thursday, I attempted to go ice skating. I still have tickets from my birthday that needed to be used. So, I round everyone up, get my gloves, and prepare for some fun. Only one problem: where do we get a car? I literally just called off the trip when I found someone who let me borrow their car. Great! I bustled around printing last-minute directions and gathering my stuff, then hurried to the car. We were on our way! Halfway there Mary Sue asked, "You brought the tickets right?"

Uh oh.

Okay, so they don't happen all the time, but that was definitely a blond moment. Because in my room, sitting neatly in an envelope on my desk, were the tickets.

So what do we do then? Like any good college students, we pull into a gas station, look over two maps and talk to three different guys, and get directions to a town center a couple towns over. We make it there uneventfully, and had a great time walking around a cute downtown area. We didn't get back too late, and my friend Gracy and I stayed up giving ourselves tattoos with permanent markers. There was our act of rebellion for the week.

On Saturday I went to the D4 block party, and for a moment it felt like I went to a normal school. (For those of you who know what real college partying looks like, please don't burst my bubble) The block party is put on by the men of D4 (we only have two guys dorms - D4 and D5). It was an absolutely beautiful first day of spring - warm and sunny and lovely. Outside, they grilled hamburgers and hotdogs. There were chips and cookies and coolers full of sodas. Everyone broke out their shorts and tee shirts, mingled with the crowd, and listened to the loud, upbeat music. The main event was the dodgeball tournament, where we got to cheer for a favorite teams to slaughter their opponents. It was a lovely day of friends, warmth and fun.

This past week has been busy with studying (as usual). The work never seems to let up. But it's good that way. I am terribly blessed to be here and have the luxury of spending my days consumed in learning. I am thankful for this school and these professors. I am thankful for many things here, such as my roommates, my church, my friends, and AWANAs, to name a few. I am glad to be here.

Next week Spring Break starts. The challenge will be to discipline myself enough to focus on my schoolwork and get things done, while not becoming a hermit and going stir crazy. Don't worry, I'll find something fun to do, such go see the cherry blossoms in DC. :) I CANNOT wait to come home. Only a month and a half!