Let me apologize for not posting last week. No, I don't have any reason or excuse. I just didn't feel like it, and it was wrong of me to say that I was going to be consistent and then not be. I'm sorry.
Well let's see, what have I been up to in the last couple weeks...
A week ago on Thursday started out as any other Thursday. I got up at 6 am, went to Western Civ at 8, then rushed back for wing chapel at 9:40. Wing chapel is always a highlight of my week. The ten girls in my wing all gather in my RA's room and we have a devotional, prayer, and just share and fellowship with one another. Well this week, as we were in the middle of our devotion, we heard some noises and shuffling in the hall. Since a couple of our girls were missing, we thought it might be them or just some other girls doing something crazy. We finished wing chapel, and as we were heading off to class, we found the sweetest thing. By our door, ou
Last Monday was my roommate Emma's birthday. My RA, my other roommate Mary Sue, and I all got together and decided to throw her a surprise party. Mary Sue and I invited a bunch of the freshmen and my RA got a cake. Unfortunatly, Emm
a happened to see us while we were decorating, so the surprise didn't turn out like we planned. But it was still a lot of fun. We had balloons and streamers, cake and music, and balloon wars. :)
Thursday was a big logic test, almost like a midterm. It also happened to be the day where they were doing fire alarm testing in the new building. So as we're taking our test, the alarm is going off, lights are flashing, and a very calm voice is telling us: "There is a fire in the building. Please exit in an orderly fashion." :) Definitely a story to tell once we're upperclassmen.
Spiritually, this past week has been so beneficial because it has been so tough. God completely broke me down to a point lower than I have ever been. The school load is getting really heavy now. Whenever I tried to study, I simply couldn't focus. I was so tired, but I couldn't sleep. I felt like I was completely failing at everything I tried to do. God used that point to show me with absolute clarity how insufficient I am. He proved to me that I cannnot do it on my own by letting me try. And it was miserable. I had to surrender to God and admit that I CAN'T do it. I am w
eak. But in my weakness, He is made strong. He called me here; He put me here; He will give me HIS strength to endure. And not just to endure, but to thrive! I may not be a straight-A student. I might not be the most popular, or a genius, or do something remarkable. But God put me here for a purpose, and He will give me the strength to accomplish all that He wants me to do.
Since surrending, things have gotten so much better. I do have to constantly remind myself that my strength is not my own, but God's. Yet I am amazed at what He has done. He's given me strength enough to meet every deadline, even if I can't work ahead. I've been able to catch up on some homework and actually accomplish things.
Another huge praise is the times for fellowship God has provided. Now, I'm really bad at this whole socialization idea. In fact, I don't make a very good social college student. I spend the majority of my time in my room, only leaving for meals and classes. I'm in bed by 11:00 every night, and usually before then. I've only stayed up past midnight twice while being here. But God has graciously provided opportunities for me to socialize with others. Besides my roommate's party, there was another birthday party on Friday for a freshman who is a friend of mine. On Thursday, a girl a met while at camp out here last year came to check out the school, and so I got to hang out with her. On Tuesdays I meet with my student mentor, and this past Tuesday we just hung out together and then studied together. Hanging out with her is a big encouragement to me. On Wednesdays I attend a bible study led by our school president's wife. And this is my third sunday now to attend Blue Ridge Bible church, and I really enjoy it. God is doing amazing things in my life, and I am grateful.
This coming week will definitely be an interesting one. On Monday my final research paper for research and writing class is due (35% of the grade!). On Tuesday we will move into the brand new dining hall. It is supposed to be much bigger and nicer, but there will be some policy changes and kinks to work out. Wednesday is the first day of Homecoming! There will be lots of activities throughout the whole week. Thursday is a pretty big midterm, probably my hardest. Friday has lots of homecoming activities, including a costume contest (Freshman class are the yellow acrobats - how do you dress up for that?). Saturday is the official opening of our new student life center. Dr. Dobson will be here to dedicate it, and there are supposed to be over 1000 people on campus for the dedication. Prayers for this coming week would me much appreciated.
I miss you all back home, and I am praying for you. I thank God for putting each one of you in my life in some way. Much love. <3
For Christ's glory,
P.S. -
I thought you might want to meet my roommates. Emma is on the left and Mary Sue is on the right. :)
For the costume contest I think you should pretend to misinterpret them and be a yellow aquabat.
ReplyDeleteIt is AWSOME to see you relying on God, and Him working in your life! I encourage you to continue to follow him faithfully and I will keep you in my prayers.